Sabtu, 13 November 2010

My Love Latest High Top Sandals

Kris Van Assche Ankle-High Top Sandals

Just Brought this Sandal in Kuala Lumpur.

YEAHHHHHH.. i love it..!

Cofidence..Abselutely yey!


Price.. I like it..

Wear it, make the whole street walkway become your Runway Stage..

Ahad, 25 Julai 2010

Story On the Beach. Rainbow. Fireflies. Rain. Kiss. Propose.

20 July 2010

First Arrive on the beach,
Somewhere in Brunei Beach....
We're sitting on the Big Rock,
All the time, Where Rainbow above us..
we keep on talking about us.
I didn't realize that each hours past us so fast..

On the beach,
I keep on staring on your pretty eye.
The more i stare at your eye,
the more you shy to look at me.
Talking about you is so effortless,
You make me felt comfortable & easier
because you're too Speechless..
hehe.. =p

Hour past Hour~
Day getting dark and almost Rain..
Im asking you, with your permission..
Me;"Errmm..Can i Kiss You?"
Reply; "Who?" (*who else dear.. there's only two of us there...haha*)
Me; "You!"
....Then you just keep your chin down...........wind blowing~~~
I hold your chin up and touch your lip, Kiss you fast, then both Shy... *Blurr~* We're just watching Fireflies surrounding us..

Rain Start to fall.. """"""~
Drive around and trap in the car...
Holding Hand is what we do 24/7..haha..

Your silence is killing me,
until you say 6 words..
Happiest moment happen..

Thanks For the Propose 207.

XoXo.Love You.

Un"think"able Photoshoot!!! haha..

Un"Think"able shoot..hahahaha!!
kayak pemburu hantu kok..
For people who know how to watch it.. enjoy the beauty of the picture.
Model; Moiist J. & Adzrine

Rabu, 30 Jun 2010

The Most Touching Letter i've Read. Yeah i cry~


salam Islam…

Terlalu bosan rasaa duduk membilang hari…..
Dah hampir sepuluh bulan mak pergi,
Rasanya baru semalam mak peluk kiter kan sejuk syahdu masih terasa lagi nih….

Mak tau tak…….
itu lah pertama kali mak peluk anak mak yang nakal ni sejak kiter dewasa…..
dan itu juga terakhir kali nya.
Emmmm…rupanya mak dah tau mak nak pergi jauh…..
nak tinggal kan anak2 mak….. nak tinggal kan dunia fana ni……

mak macam dah sedia…..
Seminggu sebelum tu……
mak dah menganyam tikar mengkuang 3 helai…..
Akak kata sampai ke pagi mak anyam tikar tuu….
tanpa rasa mengantuk, tanpa rasa letih……
kakak pun rasa hairan…..
mak tak penah buat gitu…..

pastu mak pasang radio kecil di sebelah mak……
tapi mak seolah2 tak sedar bahawa rancangan radio tu siaran siam …….
kengkadang siaran indonesia ..
mak terus tekun menganyam…
Rupanya tikar yang telah mak siapkan tu di gunakan untuk mengiringi mak ke kuburan…

Pastu mak sapu sampah sekeliling rumah bersih2….
pastu mak jemur karpet-karpet. ..
pastu mak ubahkan sofa ke tempat lain..
mak biarkan ruang tu kosong..
rupanya kat situ jenazah mak diletakkan..

paling menarik sekali mak bgtau kat maner sume duit dan barang kemas mak..
ada kat dalam almari…..
ada kat dalam dalam beg…..
ada dalam ASB…..
ada kat dalam Tabung Haji..
mak cakap tak berapa cukup lagi……
ada kat dalam gulung tikar…..

masa tu mak perasan takk..??
kiter gelak sakan bila mak bgtau duit dalam gulung tikar…
kiter kata mak ni memang pesenn lama laaa…
mak cuma gelak jer…
eeemmm…bahagiaa nya saat ituu..

Hari tu hari sabtu 18/08/1999 pukul 3 petang mak tiba2 sakit perut…..
bila malam tu kiter sampai dari KL…..
mak dah dalam kesakitan.
Akak dan abang kat kampong semua dah pujuk…..
mak tetap takmau pi hospital…. .
dan cuma tinggal giliran kiter sahaja yang belum pujuk..
Mak kata mak takmau duduk dalam hospital…. .
tapi kiter berkeras juga pujukk..
nanti di hospital ada doktor…
ada ubat untuk mak..
kat rumah kami hanya mampu sapu minyak dan urut jer..

Mak tetap tak bersetuju… ..
mak memang degil..
tak salah, anak mak yang ni pon mengikut perangai mak tu..
Tapi akhirnya bila melihat keadaan mak makin teruk….
mak sakit perut sampai nak sentuh perut mak pon sakit
kami adik beradik sepakat hantar juga mak ke hospital…. ..

amponkan kami semua…
kami nak mak sehat…
kami sayang mak…
kami tak mau mak sakit…
kami terpaksa juga hantar mak ke hospital….
ampon kan kami yer mak….

Malam itu abang bawa mak ke hospital
dan itu lah pertama dan terakhir kali mak naik kereta kiter…
Masih terbayang betapa ceria dan gembiranya mak,
kiter kata nak beli kereta….
Mak asyik tanya ajer..
cukup ker duitt..
kiter jawab pula…
kalau tak cukup, mak kan banyak duit…
mak gelak ajerr…..

Lepas tu bila kereta kiter sampai….
mak buat kenduri kesyukuran… ….
Dan kiter masih ingat lagi…
bila kiter eksiden terlanggar Ah-Chong naik motor…..
Punya la kiter takut…
kiter warning kakak kiter jangan sesekali bgtau kat mak…..
Bila balik sahaja kampong….
kiter cepat-cepat simpan keta dalam garaj…..
Tapi mak perasan juga bumper depan kemek…
mak tanya kenapa…?
Selamba jerr kiter jawab terlangar pokok bunga…..

tujuan kiter menipu tu supaya mak tak risau…
Maafkan kiter kerana sampai mak pergi mak tak tau hal sebenar…
mak, kiter menipu mak kan ..
ampon kan kiter…..
Jam 4.30 pagi 19/08 /2006
Bila tiba aja kat hospital…..
nurse tengah balut mak dengan kain putih…….
mak mesti nampak kiter jatuh terduduk di lantai hospital…
Mesti mak nampak abang cium dahi mak…..
Mesti mak nampak akak baca doa untuk mak….
Mesti mak nampak adik terduduk kat kerusi kat sudut itu…
mesti mak nampak semua tu kann…kann. .kannn

Mak tau tak….
Pagi tu balik dari hospital jam 5.20 pagi kiter mamandu dalam keadaan separuh sedar…
Adik kat sebelah diam melayan perasann…
Kenangan bersama mak berputar dalam kepala ini…
jalan di depan terasa makin kelam…..
airmata dah tak mampu di tahan….
Masa tu seandainya apa-apa terjadi di jalan itu kiter rela…
Namun alhamdulillah akhirnya kiter sampai juga…
di sebab kan pagi masih awal, jadi jalan tu lenggang..
kosong. …sekosong hati ini…..
Sepanjang perjalanan terasa kedinginan subuh itu lain benar suasananya.. …..
terasa syahdu dan sayu…dinginnnn. ….

Kiter masih ingat lagi….
Kiter baca AlQuran kat tepi mak temankan mak…
Jam 11.00 pagi mak di mandi kan ….
Anak2 mak yang pangku masa mak mandi….
Mak mesti rasa betapa lembut nya kami mengosok seluruh tubuh mak…..
Kiter gosok kaki mak perlahan lahan…..
Mak perasan tak…..?

Makcik yang mandikan mak tu pujuk kiter…..
Dia kata…” dikk…jangan nangis…kalau sayang mak jangan buat gitu…jangan nangis ya..”
Bila makcik tu kata gitu…
lagi laaaa laju airmata ni…
tapi kiter kawal supaya tak menitik atas mak….

Sampai takat ini surat ni kiter tulis…..
kiter nangis ni…..
Ni kat dlm bilik…baru pukul 4.00 pagi….
Takder orang yang bangun lagi…..
kiter dengar nasyid tajuk “anak soleh” kiter sedih…
kiter rindu kat mak….!
Takpa la….
nanti bila kita selesai sembanyang subuh,
kiter baca yassin untuk mak…
mak tunggu ya..!
Sebelum muka mak di tutup buat selamanya… .
Semua anak2 mak mengelilingi mak…
menatap wajah mak buat kali terakhir….
Semua orang kata mak seolah2 senyum aja…
Mak rasa tak….
masa tu kiter sentuh dahi mak….
kiter rasa sejukkkk sangat dahi makk…..
Kiter tak mampu nak cium mak…
kiter tak daya….
kiter tuliskan kalimah tauhid kat dahi mak dengan air mawar…
Airmata kiter tak boleh tahan….
Mak mesti ingat kan yang anak mak ni jadi imam solat jenazah untuk mak…
tapi kite suruh tok imam bacakan doa sebab kite sebak…..

Jam 12 tengahari mak diusung keluar dari rumah….
Akak pula dah terkulai dlm pelukan makcik…
badan akak terasa panas…
anak mak yang seorang tu demam….

Mak tauu…
cuma akak sorang saja anak mak yang tak mengiringi mak ke tanah perkuburan.. .

Hari2 ku lalui tanpa kewujudan mak lagi…
Begitu terasa kehilangan mak…
boleh kata setiap malam selepas maghrib anak mak ini berendam airmata…
Dan sampai satu tahap….
masa tu malam jumaat selepas maghrib….
Selepas kiter baca yassin ngan kawan-kawan. ….
entah kenapa biler kat bilik kiter keluarkan gambar2 mak pastu apa lagi…
semakin kiter tenung terasa semakin sayu…
tangisan tak dapat dibendung…

Mak tauu…
kiter cuba bertahan…
memujuk diri sendiri tapi tak juga reda…
Kiter rasa nak telefon mak…..
nak cakap dengan mak…..
anak mak yang ni dah tak betul kan ..?
Dan akhirnya dalam sedu sedan itu kiter telefon kampong….
Kiter cakap dengan kakak..kiter nangis lagi…
Puas la kakak memujuk kiter…
Akak kata…” tak baik laa nangis aje..doa lah untuk mak..”
Dan akhirnya akak juga nangis…..

Mak tau tak..
di saat itu kerinduan terasa menusuk sehingga ke hulu hati…
rasa nyilu sangat…
menusuk-nusuk sehingga terasa begitu sakit dalam dada ni….
Sampai sekarang bila kerinduan itu menjelma….
hanya sedekah al-fatihah kiter berikan…..

cukup la sampai sini dulu….
kawan kiter dah ketuk pintu bilik tu….
kejap lagi kami nak pergi solat subuh kat masjid…
selalunya, kiter yang bawak mak naik motor kan ….
kali ni kiter jalan kaki dengan kawan pulak…
esok kiter ingat nak tulis surat kat ayah pula….
Mula2 kiter tak tau nak hantar mana surat nih….
pastu kawan kiter bgtau…
simpan je buat kenangan..
Kiter cuma tau alamat ni aje…
Takper yer mak…k
Kiter kasi orang lain baca…
Kiter stop dulu…
sebab kawan kiter dah lama tunggu tu…
akhir kata untuk mak,
dan jutaan terima kasih kerana membesarkan kiter…
memberi seluruh kasih sayang dari kecil sampai masuk sekolah..
sampai masuk univesiti….
sampai kiter boleh rase naik kapal terbang…
boleh rasa duduk kat negara orang…
sampai akhir hayat ini jasa mak tak akan mampu kiter balas..

Selasa, 29 Jun 2010

Feeling with Distance person. P* Lets talk LOVE.. yeah~

Hey P*... First saw you..haha..So Speechless with your doll eye. Your kindness. Fuhhh~ hahaha..
Kinda funny tho, but yeah i fall for you.
What stuck us?
Believing & Far.

This post is Especially for you P*.

Let me Share Something.........~

How Do You Know what love?

You know you are in love when you desire to share the most simple things with someone. You think of that person whenever something happens to you.... You know that you love that person when you exit a stuffy building and think of that person when you feel the gentle breeze on your wish that person were share the moment. You know you love that person when you want that person to feel what you feel....each moment of each day....

Is this Right??? I guess.. This is What on my mind.

::::Secret Conversations of An Internet::::

We were trying to get to know each other - and quickly learned how much we had in common. a spectator peering secretly into the windows of our souls as we communicate with each other for over few weeks till now - from a distance. During this time, we sensed within ourselves escalating passion, that would ultimately reach the great climax of the first time we would finally meet face to face.

Till now.. i don't hope for more but just to know you is far more than enough.
its a bless knowing you.
A face like you usually a half bad person face, sorry to say..hehe
You totally seems different, and a memories that cannot be easily been faded is,
the time when i suffer a lot that day.
you are there!! you didn't left me, even a second..
SWEAR TO GOD, P* is there 24hrs!!
I Just cant sleep to see your face.
A bless knowing you until now.

THANK YOU* you are the best among all.


Im So Into Speechless.

I can’t believe what you said to me
Last night when we were alone
You threw your hands up
Baby you gave up, you gave up
I can’t believe how you looked at me
With your James Dean glossy eyes
In your tight jeans with your long hair
And your cigarette stained lies
Could we fix you if you broke?
And is your punch line just a joke?
I’ll never talk again
Oh boy you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless, so speechless
I can’t believe how you slurred at me
With your half wired broken jaw
You popped my heart seams
On my bubble dreams, bubble dreamsa
I can’t believe how you looked at me
With your Johnnie Walker eyes
He’s gonna get you and after he’s through
There’s gonna be no love left to rye
And I know that it’s complicated
But I’m a loser in love
So baby raise a glass to mend
All the broken hearts
Of all my wrecked up friends
I’ll never talk again
Oh boy you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless so speechless
I’ll never love again,
Oh friend you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless, so speechless
And after all the drinks and bars that we’ve been to
Would you give it all up?
Could I give it all up for you?
And after all the boys and girls that we’ve been through
Would you give it all up?
Could you give it all up?
If I promise to you boy
That I’ll never talk again
And I’ll never love again
I’ll never write a song
Won’t even sing along
I’ll never love again
So speechless
You left me speechless, so speechless
Why you so speechless, so speechless?
Will you ever talk again?
Oh boy, why you so speechless?
You’ve left me speechless
Some men may follow me
But you choose “death and company”
Why you so speechless?
Oh oh oh

Isnin, 28 Jun 2010

Among All i Shoot This Is My Fav. & Satisfied with it.

From beginning till now to be Junior Photographer. This is the best of the best pic i have shoot so far. its feels good when we take photo that satisfy us. My photo is not the best & not very professional in every way i take because i learn all of this by my self. This is the result then.
A simple shoot.

Selected Photo;

My Cousin; Nazuraa
A friends of mine.
Qayyum n' Mukram

This is What You Call Fashion Photoshoot. Admire this alot from Dolce & Gabbana.

All of this are my wish shoot. To be a Professional Fashion Photographer. In Potraits Shoot or In a group like i add below. huuufff~~! Was on plan and in process to shoot like this in the studio.
Still searchin for the model,MakeUp,DressUp.. & Place for outing Shoot..

Fashion is life.

D&G= Do & Go..

Ahad, 27 Jun 2010

Either Jeep Cherokee or New Outlander 2010.

Jeep Cherokee 2010

Mitsubishi New Outlander 2010

I wanna buy a car. and still thingking which is the best for me.
I cant decide my self even im the one who will buy it. me, which one do you like?

Sabtu, 26 Jun 2010

Champion 7. A place Where i Start my Future Work.

Champion 7.

Working is Hell & Food is Heaven.
This is a place of my futurelife job.
You can say all heavy duty job. And i love it.
Kinda scary at first but sooner then all turn Good.
At the Top Left is the place i work.
As a WaterFlood Team in Operation Production.

The View of the platform of CP7 at night.
Transport From onshore to offshore.